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Your hosts Sandy and Krista Brodie of Kauai Koa Farm

Our Growing, Glowing Story

Sandy Brodie, the Founding Father of the farm, had a vision 30 years ago, to grow native trees,  sequester carbon,  provide habitat, create oxygen, and bring Koa back to Kauai - one tree at a time. Today the farm shows his years of hard work and dedication paying off!  His legacy is what his wife, Krista, is so proud of as she works by his side.

As a couple, the Brodies strive to strengthen Kauai's 

Koa forests by taking on the kuleana (responsibility) of germinating and maintaining endemic trees sacred to Hawaiian culture.

Malama 'aina (care for the land) is the mindset!

Sandy and Krista Brodie

Owners, Kaua'i Koa Farm

Princeville, Kaua'i, Hawaii

About Us: About Us
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